Data Governance & Infrastructure
Whether you are working within a bank or other financial institutions, you will have to meet the increasing compliance regulations such as Perdarr (BCBS239), Basel, AnaCredit, IFRS9, Solvency. Also the small en medium enterprises see also the benefit of a strong governance framework, data architecture and IT infrastructure such as:
► Provide improved analytics and gain competitive advantage.
► Enable more informed decision making.
► Save or avoid costs.
► Assist with cross and up-selling.
► Support risk management and regulatory reporting.
► Comply with regulations.
► Enhance customer service quality.
► Improve profitability and operational effectiveness.
► For eyes principles for data changes.
► Single data entry point.
► Straight through processing (STP).
Organizations differs in their governance and infrastructure as this is depending on the business rationale and requisite. Some organizations implement all aspects of governance such as the governance bodies & councils, data stewardship & workflows, metadata, reference data, master data management and data quality. The infrastructure is more influenced by the connectivity of the existing source systems, the level of analytics and the reporting grade.
Triple Intelligence Services is experienced in the setup of a governance model and giving advice on the infrastructure. Our governance model has a proven track record for large organizations, but we can also customize our model to the needs of your company.